Inspiral training for high-performer transformational sales agents

Team Onboarding


Training 01:
Team Onboarding: Slack, Email, Calendly, Skype & Google Docs

Training 02:
Team Onboarding: Sales Stage Move in FYF

Training 03:
Team Onboarding: Send Sale Completing Email and entering sale in Gsheet

Training 04:
Team Onboarding Managing Failed Payments in Gsheet

Training 05:
Team Onboarding: Managing On Hold Cancelled or Lost Deals in Gsheet

Training 06:
Team Onboarding: Follow up Sales Stage

General Sales Training


Training 01:
How to move through the different sales stages like a pro

Training 02:
Seven Steps Sales Process

Training 3:
The 5 Questions All Prospects Need Answered

Training 4:
The Power of Language : What words to Use and which to Avoid

Training 5:
Asking : How to confidently ask for and receive what you want

Training 6:
Transition to the invitation and navigation of YOUR LEAD through their blockages and fears...

Giving Model Sales Training


Training 7:
The Giving Model

Training 8:
How to lead a call and gracefully address objections